On Wednesday 17th November 2021, TAF was delighted to launch its Salary & Benefits Benchmarking Report for 2021, providing up-to-date information on salaries, pay awards and benefits offered by associations.
The data was collected during September and October 2021 and combines the data from 79 respondents. The report has been prepared with support from Ellwood Atfield.
The data shows:
- 27% saw a reduction in staff numbers in 2020
- Furlough was used by just over 50% of respondents
- 33% said that Covid-19 had affected their ability to increase staff pay in 2021, and 29% that they had not awarded or budgeted for salary increases in 2021.
- 64% of associations are looking to recruit, a figure that has almost doubled from our last survey in 2019 when just 36% of associations were planning to hire
- Just 8% have or are planning to return to full-time office working. 83% will adopt hybrid working and 8% are allowing staff to work from home permanently.
You can see the slides from the presentation below.
The full report and data tables provide a wealth of further information.
The report is free to those that participated, for TAF members the cost is £100 and non-members £150.
The report is available for purchase on the TAF Shop.