Comprehensive financial, salary & benefits benchmarking of more than 100 trade associations now available to buy!
The TAF Benchmarking survey 2022 produced in partnership wtih Ellwood Atfield provides up-to-date information on key financial indicators, salaries, pay awards and benefits offered by associations.
The data was collected during September and October 2022 and there were 105 valid responses from organisations together employing some 1,152 staff with combined salary bill of more than £42m.
The report allows association leaders to make informed decisions about budgeting, salaries and strategy. Available now for just £100 (ex VAT) for TAF Members and £150 (ex VAT) for non-members.
The report and accompanying data tables breaks down findings by geographical location and size of association and has been produced specifically to help associations benchmark themselves against similar sized associations. The data includes:
- Salary bill, wage inflation and benefits
- Revenue makeup and cash at hand
- Recruitment, staffing levels and ways of working
- Salary scales at 5 levels of seniority
- Bonus levels and criteria
- Board remuneration
- Pensions
Example data
Below are some examples of the types of information included in the report:
How long could your association survive on cash-at-hand?
How have you found recruitment over the past 12 months?
We benchmarked salaries at 5 different levels for trade association staff (by size and geography) and also explored how employers have adapted to new ways of working and are using benefits to improve their offer and retain staff.
Get this and much more in the full report and data tables.