The Trade Association Forum (TAF) is looking for new Board Directors, to be elected by TAF members. Further details about the election process, timetable and commitment involved is set out in detail below. Please get in touch with if you would like to discuss.
At this time we are only looking for Board applications from within the TAF membership. If you are interested in getting more involved with TAF or have ideas you would like to share, we are always happy to talk to you.
About TAF
TAF is the association of associations, established in 1997 to represent and support associations to learn from each other, collaborate and build professional networks. TAF is supported by the Department of Business and Trade.
TAF’s Board is a group of proactive, passionate leaders, whose collective purpose is to build TAF’s capacity and achieve tangible improvements in how the UK trade association sector operates and is seen by stakeholders.
TAF is a private company limited by guarantee without share capital. Board Directors will be registered as Directors on Companies House.
Please check the website for more information on Directors’ responsibilities –
In line with the Articles of Association, TAF’s elected Board composition should reflect its membership. Our articles currently stipulate that our Board be made up of:
- TAs with 0-9 staff (5 elected board members)
- TAs with 10-19 staff (2 elected board members)
- TAs with 20-49 staff (1 elected board member)
- TAs with 50+ staff (1 elected board member)
2024 Vacancies
In 2024 there are 3 Vacancies on the Board:
- 2 vacancies for associations with 0-9 staff
- 1 vacancy for associations with 20 -49 staff
- The Board also has the option to co-opt a further 3 people
We would welcome applications and expressions of interest. If you do not fit into these categories, but are still interested in joining the board, please get in touch.
Diversity and Inclusion
TAF is looking to be representative of all those who work in the association sector, and the businesses that they represent.
We particularly encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds who can offer different perspectives and experiences that enrich our community.
We particularly encourage women and diverse applicants to put themselves forward for election to the Board. This includes leaders whose job role may not be Chief Executive.
Skills and experience needed
We would welcome applications from anyone interested in getting more involved in TAF.
Over the past two years, TAF has implemented a new operating and commercial model that has revitalised, refreshed and refocused the organisation. However, there is a lot more that TAF can do to support associations and lead the sector.
A supportive, engaged and committed board has been critical for weathering the storm, but to continue to rebuild TAF will require new Board members to come forward who can support TAF to continue to innovate and deliver for its members.
We are particularly keen to work with Board members to facilitate and support them to lead their ‘passion projects’ to help them to build networks and skills and add to the very special association community.
New members of the Board will need to be committed to leading TAF on the path to financial sustainability, as set out in Inflect’s Budget & Renewals Strategy paper (available to members on request).
We need all our Board volunteers to work with the executive and non-executive teams collaboratively and with the best interests of TAF in mind.
However, If you were to push us for our thoughts on what skills would be the most useful we would say we particularly need:
- A commercial animal – to support us in building commercial partnerships that deliver revenue streams for TAF. We need to build long-term partnerships that deliver value to members, to TAF and to our corporate partners.
- An entrepreneurial spirit – to help us to put TAF on a sustainable long-term footing. For TAF to thrive we need to try new things, have lots of ideas and take opportunities when they arise
- A stickler for detail – every Board needs someone who reads the rules, the minutes and who holds everyone else to account.
- A professional networker – We need to continue to build TAF’s membership by talking to and reaching out to as many associations as possible. TAF is a tiny organisation operating on the basis of one FTE. We need our Board to be an extension of the team, out and about promoting TAF at every opportunity.
- A training and development guru – We have ambitions to develop a TAF training and development programme and a stand alone association leadership hub to support individuals to grow and develop their careers in Associations. We need both expertise and a bit of capacity to make a reality of our ideas.
Time commitment
This is a voluntary, unpaid role, and your term on the Board will last for three years.
You will be required to attend 5 Board Meetings a year.
You will be expected to join ad hoc ‘task and finish’ groups to assist the Executive with priorities and projects. These might involve partnering with other organisations, delivering an event/survey/report, improving TAF’s constitution, data or collateral, or hiring a new Chief Executive.
If your association has the facilities, it would be appreciated if you could host an occasional meeting.
You will be expected to generally act as an advocate for TAF and its members, by engaging in TAF activities, on social media and in other related fora.
You will need to declare any conflicts of interest that may prevent you from wholeheartedly supporting TAF’s growth and development.
Applying and the Election Process
All TAF Member Associations will have the opportunity to vote for a Board Member from their band of membership.
Please submit a short statement of no more than 250 words, expressing why members should vote for you.
The TAF Board appoints or reappoints its Officers on a yearly basis, before the July AGM – Chair, Vice Chair, and Treasurer – which are selected from the Elected board members (co-opted Board members are not eligible to become Officers).
Please indicate whether or not you are interested in taking one of these board leadership roles, which will involve more time commitment.
You must send your statement to by the close of business on Monday 3rd June 2024.
Members will be asked to vote for candidates, based on their Statements. If you are not selected this time, there will be another opportunity to join, next year!
If you would like to lead a special project or set up a special interest group, there is no need to be on the Board, just fix to meet with us.
Whatever happens, please stay in touch, get involved and continue to engage with TAF.
TAF member-only content
This content is only available to Trade Association Forum members, if you are a member please log in below and you will be able to view the content.
If you are from a TAF member organisation but do not have an account yet, please contact and we will set you up, or you can speak to the lead contact for TAF at your organisation who will be able to set you up.
If you are not a TAF member and would like to find out more about joining, take a look at all the great TAF member benefits here or get in touch with us directly and we would be happy to discuss.