Following the successful Launch of the Voices of British Business Report at the Trade Association Forum’s Best Practice Exchange by the Minister for Business and Regulatory Reform, Ian Lucas MP, the project is now moving forward to a more practical stage.
Members will recall that at the end of 2009 TAF asked for information on particular issues which would involve two or more Government departments which were current for members. A good number of responses was subsequently received. These responses are now being considered as pilot projects taking forward some of the recommendations which arose out of the Voices of British Business Report. The pilot(s) will be chosen in the very near future and activities will be closely monitored over a period of six months to ascertain effectiveness. An analysis of the results will then be undertaken to decide on whether the procedures should be rolled out to other Government departments.
A copy of the Voices of British Business Report is attached below as are copies of the full results of the surveys undertaken during the course of the project.
Further information is available from Linda Cavender.