This is the formal notice for the Sixth Annual General Meeting for the Trade Association Forum. The AGM will take place on Tuesday, 28th July 2020 by Webinar.

The Forum would be delighted to have as many members as possible at the AGM, which is scheduled to start at 2.00pm. We have decided to hold the meeting as an online webinar due to the current coronavirus situation as the safety of our members is paramount.

At the AGM, the Chairman will be giving you a short overview of the activities of the Trade Association Forum over the past year to eighteen months and outlining our plans for next. The Treasurer will also give his financial report for the year.

The Agenda and supporting papers including the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2020 are available below.

Draft Minutes of the Fifth AGM – 9 July 2019
Annual Report and Accounts
Special Resolution
Proxy Form

Please register your intention to attend directly with

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