Mental health charity, Mind, have a Workplace Wellbeing Index, which is a benchmark of best practice for the important topic of mental health in the workplace.

Every employer depends on having healthy and productive employees – we all know that valued and supported staff are far more likely to deliver the best outcomes for the business.

And so, if you want to attract and retain committed employees, prioritising the mental health of your staff should be at the core of your organisation.

Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Index will help you find out where you are doing well and where you could improve your approach to mental health in the workplace. Although the index for 2019/20 has now closed, the next Index cycle is just around the corner and will start in January 2021.

Registration is now open to indicate your interest, so why not take part?

Taking part in the Index will enable you to:

  • Gain public recognition of your organisation’s commitment to workplace wellbeing.
  • Share and access best practice learning from other employers participating in the Index.
  • Find out what your employees really feel about how you support their mental health.
  • Hear from current participants on why taking part in the Workplace Wellbeing Index is important to them.

How does it work?

You’ll take part in staff and employer surveys to help Mind assess where the gaps lie between your approach to workplace wellbeing and staff perceptions.

Mind will provide you with an assessment report with analysis of the survey results, highlighting what you are doing well and recommendations of where you can improve. You’ll be supported throughout the process with the tools and resources you need and depending on your participation level, you’ll have access to a dedicated Account Manager.

The final step is to get your Index ranking and celebrate the good work that all participants are doing to promote workplace wellbeing.

Download the brochure here for more information.

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