At least one in six workers experiences common mental health problems, including anxiety and depression. Research from mental health charity Mind shows that work is the biggest cause of stress in people’s lives, even more so than debt or financial problems.

This research also confirms that a culture of fear and silence around mental health is very costly to employers:

  • More than one in five (21 per cent) agreed that they had called in sick to avoid work when asked how workplace stress had affected them.
  • 14 per cent agreed that they had resigned and 42 per cent had considered resigning when asked how workplace stress had affected them.
  • 30 per cent of staff disagreed with the above statement, saying ‘I would feel able to talk openly with my line manager if I was feeling stressed’.
  • 56 per cent of employers said they would like to do more to improve staff wellbeing but don’t feel they have the right training or guidance.

Mind have a number of free resources and training courses available to you which are designed to help you take this problem. Download a free Wellness Action Plan or click here to purchase Mind’s wellbeing booklets for the workplace.

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